Have you just discovered 19th & 20th Century Lighting?



Can't tell one end of a wick from a pressure pump and want to know more?

 Or do you just love beautiful old artifacts? Maybe you are of an engineering bent and are fascinated by the great technical skills of our 19th and 20th century lighting pioneers. Whatever the case, then we are the Club for you. We meet six times a year, twice in three venues, south of Birmingham, East of Swindon and in North Norfolk. There you can meet like minded people with similar enthusiams, view lamps and find parts. Members have a wide range of interests and skills. We produce a quality colour magazine, the 'Midnight Oil', twice a year. This is complemented by two Newsletters, containing articles and current business, in-between its publication.  We provide a Members Handbook that tells you "whos who" and what their lighting interests are. We also stock a wide range of lighting books at cost price. So don't delay. Join us.